The Social Media Tag!

Hello blogoshere,

So I was nominated for this tag by the amazing Elm, thankyou so much, I’m really excited about this one. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this tag before yesterday, it was created by Chloe last year (I think..) , and I love the way it was created to commend bloggers and their achievements, and make everyone just feel good about themselves. It’s based on social media and how different bloggers would fit that.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who tagged you.
  2. Choose a Blog or Blogger per category and explain why you chose them.
  3. Tag others to do this (up to you how many)

The categories:

Instagram-  A blog with a design you love

This one was pretty easy, I love the way that Jasmine’s blog is set out. Although I’m not a huge fan of pink, all of her color choices really compliment each other. I also love the way she designs her own graphics.

Facebook- A blog with a friendly blogger

This one is pretty hard actually, I’ve only been blogging just over a week, and all of the bloggers I’ve come across are amazing. There is one that really sicks out though, that’s Sparkle Fox . She was the first blogger who reached out to me, and we talk (mainly in the comments) as if we’ve known each other for years, whereas it’s only been a week 🙂

Twitter- A blogger who could just write 140 characters and you would still love them

There’s no doubt about this one. I’ve been following Elm for a while now, and am completely hooked.  I love her writing style (she’s so personal), and I feel that I can really relate to many of her posts.

YouTube- A blog which keeps you entertained

It was hard to just pick one blog for this, all of the blogs I read, I love reading, and really entertain me. I do love reading Sophie’s  Disney inspired poems, they’re so creative. I hate to admit it (actually I don’t hate it at all, I’m very proud), but I’m a Disney enthusiast myself…..

Snap chat- A blogger who’s updates you can’t wait for

I recently stumbled across Bex’s twitter account, and have fell in love with her blog. As you know, I’m a huge bookworm, and love anything bookish. I can’t wait for when Bex publishes a new post, especially if it’s a book review. I love finding new authors, and genres to read.

Tumblr- A blog which is very diverse and has variety

I instantly thought of Astrid(Hideaway girl) for this one. Much like Elm, I’ve been following her blog for a long while now. Her blog definitely has something for everybody; one day she’ll post a deep, meaningful poem (which I love reading), and then the next day she’ll express her feeling about old people 🙂

Pinterest- A blog which is full of creativity and inspiration

This one goes to Just A Blank Space . She creates the most beautiful diaries and journals, that I could only dream of creating. Whenever I feel down, I just read one of her posts, and I instantly feel better.

My nominations:

So if you’ve been mentioned in one of the categories, I nominate you to do the tag, If you’ve already done it, don’t worry if you don’t want to do it again.

I hope you enjoyed reading this- I definitely enjoyed writing it 🙂

Emillia Xx

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