My new blogging adventure…

Gawd, how serious does that title sound….

Hello blogosphere,

So as you may have seen on my twitter and such, I have decided to leave this blog behind, and make a new one.

Ever since my long break, I’ve been feeling really disconnected from Emillia, and just lost all inspiration for posts. I knew I didn’t want to stop blogging, as I’ve just fallen in love with it over these past few months, but I was nervous about creating a whole new one…I’ve made so many new friends, and didn’t want to lose them.

In the end, surprise surprise, I decided I couldn’t write on Emillia anymore, so WrittenInTheStars  was born.

The content isn’t going to be much different, though I think I’m going to be a bit more personal, but none the less, I’m pretty excited.

I’m just finishing up some bits and bobs, so it will definitely be up by the new year (if not sooner), but please go and follow.

See you over on my new blog,

Emillia xx

Stuff about life xx

Hello blogosphere,

So it’s nearly been two whole months since I last posted, and I’d love to think that you were all about to set up a nationwide search party ’cause you just missed me so much, but, let’s be honest here, that probably wasn’t going to happen was it; though I did get a few lovely messages.

I thought I ought to write a post explaining everything, as well as what I’m planning for the blog in the future. A general- obviously extremely exciting- life update, if you wish.

So you know that my mum FINALLY had her op at the end of October, which she’s recovering from really well at the moment, so that meant that I was pretty limited to how much time I had to blog, so I kept on taking mini breaks, which soon became tedious, and pretty much meant that I never posted. In the end, I figured that it would be best to take a longer hiatus and come back early this month, in time for Christmas.

As Christmas drew closer, I started to just get really down, as it’s our first without A, and everything was getting on top of me, and every time I thought about coming back, I just put it off. To be honest, I don’t think I could deal with everyone being excited about Christmas, and blogmas, and everything in general. It’s like I just lost interest. I was seriously debating whether or not just to delete the blog, but I had this weird nagging voice in my head saying that I quit everything, and shouldn’t throw this away ext.. I figured my subconscious is more rational than me, so here I am.

I’m kind of considering starting a whole new blog, as this break has really left me detached, but I’m also kind of worried about losing all of my great friends that I made. Whatever I do decide to do, I probably won’t be very active until the new year, as I just can’t deal with all the happy Christmas stuff.

Emillia xx

October wrap up + My November goals!!

Helllooo blogosphere,
Before you say anything, I know it’s pretty early for a ‘wrap-up’, but I know I won’t have much time next week as my mum if finally having her op (fingers crossed) so I figured I may as well do it now.

October has been such an unproductive month, I only wrote 5 posts (not including this one), and my stats have plummeted. My reading game was pretty poor as well, I think I only read about 3-4 books? BUT… I did read ‘Turtles all the way down’ the day it was released, which was just AMAZING!! I might write a review at some point, but I just HATE writing them.

I also sorted out the first week of my work experience, which was pretty organized. Especially for me.

I also keep thinking that Halloween’s been and gone, as I went to my friend’s birthday/Halloween party a few weeks ago, and it’s just soo confusing!!!!

I just hope this month’s more productive!

Now, on to my November goals:

  • Join the school magazine- I’ve been meaning to do this for weeks now, but I just keep forgetting. I was thinking about writing book reviews (yes I know I just said I hated them!), or maybe a short story?? I even put this on last month’s goals , that’s how bad I’ve been this month1
  • Plan more of my blog posts- In a way I kind of want a routine, but then I think it’s to formal? Oh I don’t know…
  • Keep up with school notes- I try to write up notes for maths and science (the others are too wordy/ nothing to make actual notes on) out of school, but when I was doing some for maths this morning, I realized how I’ve missed out about 4 topics, so I need to get to grips with that.
  • Start planning Christmas presents- I want to do this early this year as I know as Christmas gets nearer I’m going to become less and less motivated. I don’t want to even acknowledge it this year, but I guess people still want there presents 🙂
  • Get a Saturday job? – I’ve been putting this off for a while now, but I definitely need to, even though the minimum wage is only like £4. Has anyone got any advise for getting one?

How’s everyone’s October been?

Also, I just wanted to say thankyou everyone for 50 followers!! I know it’s not much, but it really means a lot to me!!

Emillia x

Crying: A sign of weakness or bravery??

Helllooooo blogosphere,

So I’m going to admit that I kind of went slightly of subject on this one. Only a tiny tiny bit though…

I’ve never actually written a proper discussion post before, I think I did fairly well.

I’m one of those people who normally just hold up all of their emotions until it all comes out in one great river, which, in the long run, isn’t exactly the best thing for your mental health. The other day I just couldn’t hold it in any longer, and it all rushed out in the middle of the school library. Luckily, I had all of my friends rallying around me; but many people are embarrassed, and think that crying shows weakness… It doesn’t.

I believe that letting your emotions out every once in a while is actually very brave; it shows that you’re not afraid to show people how you really feel, and then hopefully get some support. Of course, nobody particularly wants a friend who can’t speak for fear of dissolving into tears, but if they’re your real friends who care for you, they will be the first ones there to smother you in hugs.

I’m not about to give some sort of PSHE style lecture here (mainly because I’m the biggest culprit of this), but constantly holding in all of your demons is extremely bad for your mental health, not to mention your relationships. It’s inevitable that your friends and family will notice that something is wrong with you, but if you never tell them, as difficult as it may be, they’ll never know how to help you (how cliche was that? 🙂 ) Personally I’d rather try to tell someone something sooner than later, and not even let myself get to the part where I just break down. That’s definitely something we all need to work on.

Just remember, whether it’s a friend, family member, teacher, or even someone on the blogosphere, there’s always someone to turn to in your hour of need; nobody will think any less of you.

I hope you enjoyed my in no way patronizing little post.

What are you like at letting your emotions out?

Have you got any advice for anyone struggling in silence?

Emillia xx

P.S I promise my blogging routine will be back to normal soon, but I don’t think I’ll post as much as I used to, maybe 2 times a week??

My mini hiatus

Hello (again) blogosphere,

I feel like we’ve been here before, not so long ago.

YES, I did take an unannounced, unplanned hiatus for two weeks. But I promise I’m back for good now (how many times have I actually said this?), you’re not getting rid of me that easily :).
Not much has happened in these past two weeks, apart from the dreaded homework that is….

I went to my friends party, which was fun; and I’m supposed to be having a movie night at my other friend’s on Tuesday… Does this mean I actually have friends???

So…. What have I missed: in the blogosphere, or anything really?

Much love,

Emillia xx


Just a little poem

Hello blogosphere,

So I wrote this the other day, it didn’t necessarily go in the direction that I wanted it to, but I’m quite pleased with it though.

I’m just so uninspired,

In the world that we see,

People killing,


For their so-called ‘religion’.


I know you can only get the rainbow with the rain,

But we’re all sick and tired of waiting,

For the sun to shine again.


They tell me not to worry,

Everything will be fine,

How can I believe them,

When it’s my generation,

Who’s faced with the burden of the world?


We’re the preceders,

The weight’s on our shoulders,

Expected to be perfect.


I just can’t fathom,

How to correct our fatal mistakes,

Why light a fire,

If you have no water to put it out again?


Emillia xx

My ‘bored list’

Hello blogosphere,

So this month I have literally turned into the queen of procrastination, apart from homework, I’ve got nothing done that I wanted to whatsoever.

I decided to create a list of things to-do when I’m bored to try and combat my ways, and thought I’d share it with you as, well what else would I do on a rainy weekend?


  1. Read – I spend half of my life doing this anyway, but there’s no such thing as too much reading right??
  2. Do some sewing – Ageeesss ago I bought some really nice fabric with the intention of making some cushions for my bed… but the queen of procrastination right here…
  3. Write – Whether it’s a blog post, some poetry, or just a random story, I really love writing, and definitely need to do more of it.
  4. Take my dog for a walk – I love going for walks, and I can take her on the beach again now, finally… 🙂
  5. Do some extra school work – As boring as it sounds, I could probably do with doing some extra work.
  6. Bake/cook – I LOVE LOVE LOVE baking, and I definitely need to do more of it.
  7. Spontaneously meet up with my friends- Tbh, I very much doubt this would ever happen, but you never know.
  8. Visit the library – I can’t remember the last time I went to our local library, but from what I can remember they didn’t have many YA books, that was years ago though…
  9. Draw – I’ve never been artistic in the least, but there’s just something so relaxing about having a doodle.
  10. Organize my room – There’s always something I’m not happy with…

I hope you enjoyed this little list,

Emillia xx


My october goals…

Hello blogosphere,



The season of over-sized jumpers, a whole extra hour in bed, and (most importantly) an excuse to lock my self in my room forever and ever reading because its ‘cold and wet’. Of course it’s been about a week now, but October is truly the start of autumn.

I thought I’d just go through my October goals and just what I’m looking forward to in general.

I hope you enjoy reading this somewhat random post. x

My goals:

  • Read at least 5 books–  I’ve been so bad at reading this month, with going back to school and everything, but I wont let that be an excuse any longer.
  • Contact some potential work experience employers – In July I’ve got two weeks of work experience *screams internally!*, and although it’s not until next year, we were told it’s best to get in there early, so that’s what I’m doing…. Well that’s the idea.
  • Go to school everyday – Most of my way through secondary school I’ve always had a bad attendance (I was always genuinely ill, or had a bad reason), and this year, especially now we’re doing so much more in lessons, I really want to correct that.
  • Keep up with homework – I’ve been pretty good with this so far, let’s just hope I keep it that way.
  • Be (some-what) active on my blog – With going back to school, I’ve been really inactive, although it will be doubly as hard this month, with my mum having her operation, I want to post at least a few times a week.
  • Have some form of social life – My friend’s having a birthday party in a few weeks, and I do have a friend sleeping over the night before, but apart from that I have no plans. Tbh, I’m not a really sociable person, much more of a home-bird me.
  • Join the school magazine: We had a careers evening at our school the other night, and I went to a ‘class’ about journalism, which really inspired me to write for the termly school magazine. I think I might write book reviews?

What I’m looking forward to: 

  • TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN!! : I’ve been waiting SOOO long for this!! John Green’s new book is finally being released on the 10th! If you can’t tell, I’m pretty excited!!
  • My friend’s birthday party: As I said above, in the middle of October my friend of 11(??) years is having her 15th birthday party. It’s only going to be pretty small, but I’m really looking forward to it for some reason.

    I hoped you enjoyed reading my short, but sweet, post,

Do you have any plans for October??  What are you most looking forward to??

Speak soon,

Emillia Xx



Hello again….

Hello again blogosphere,

So it’s been a week since I last spoke to you!! I know it’s not that long, but I’ve been pretty inactive over on my twitter as well.

I hate to say it, but it’s probably going to be like that for the next few weeks *cries internally* 😦 😦 😦  My mum’s finally going in for her operation next week, so I’m going to be at my nan’s with no WIFI, and busy around the house. But I’ll try to schedule as many posts as possible 🙂

Anywhoo, not much has been going on this past week, just attempting to keep up with all of the homework we’ve been getting… I mean who needs to know about the history of the atom???

What have you been getting up to this past week??

Also, I’m planning to do a Q&A at some point, so please leave some questions down in the comments!!

Emillia xx

My list of dreams

Hello blogosphere,

I’ve always loved reading people’s bucket lists/ dreams lists, and how they differ depending on the person. So I thought that today I’ll share mine with you.

There’s not going to be any particular order, just whatever comes to mind first.

Enjoy xx

  1. Go to the ‘The 1975’ live:  I’ve wanted to do this for sooo long. I downloaded their ’02 arena 2016′ concert and it looked so beautiful. Seeing it live would be such an amazing experience.
  2. Do a charity fun run: A few years ago, my mum and I were supposed to run the Race For Life. But us being the lazy procrastinators that we are, we never did any sort of training. As well as that, we ended up getting the wrong date and didn’t realize that we had missed it. I’d love to do one at some point… I’ll probably have to walk most of it though 🙂
  3. Write a book: When I say ‘write a book’ I don’t necessarily mean some sort of best-selling novel (although that WOULD be amazing), I’d just like to be able to walk into a bookshop and say ‘Hey, that’s mine!’!
  4. Buy my own house: My mum has always rented, which of course is perfectly fine, but the thing is that there are so many restrictions with decorating and things like that, not to mention that you could get kicked out at pretty much any time. Obviously when I first leave home, I’ll have to rent, but hopefully when I’m older I can own a house.
  5. Raise a lot of money for charity: A few months ago I set up a JustGiving page (I’m not going to share it on here due to anonymity reasons) in memory of my brother who passed away in May, for a charity who has helped us all of his life. I’ve already raised around £330, but I would like to raise much much more in the future.
  6.  Find my ‘soulmate’: Gawd how soppy is that :). Obviously not now, but in the future….
  7. Pass my exams: So in two years time, I will be sitting my GCSE’s *mentally screams to self*; I’m looking forward to doing the subjects that I enjoy, but am sort of terrified about the exams themselves, we’ve got SO much to learn in just under 2 years. I know that exams are not everything and in the long run, they’re not necessarily important, I still want to make my family proud. I’m sure I’ll do fine.
  8. Adopt: I’ve always wanted to adopt; I just think that there are so many children out there with no one to love them, I want to give them the love that they deserve.
  9. Keep my blog going for (at least) more than a year: This is literally the longest I’ve ever kept a blog. I absolutely love it, and hope to carry it on for years to come.
  10. Get a job that I actually enjoy: One of my biggest fears for my future is having a boring, mundane job that I just simply hate. I’d much rather be a waitress in a local restaurant, then the manager of a large chain store.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I actually enjoyed writing it a lot.

What’s your biggest dream??

Emillia Xx